Sourcer v6.51
Tool of Our Trade
by ytc_ [tNO '99]

Target Sourcer v6.51
URL Not available (but target can be found in ORCPAK2.ZIP at +Greythorne's website)
Tools used Softice v3.x (I'm using WinNT version)
Protection Serial number
Level Beginners/Newbies

Uh oh, I'm going insane ;-). This is my third tutorial in one day!! I think I'm going to love DOS cracking more than Windows cracking. It is so MUCH more interesting. As usual, I'm tackling an old version of Sourcer v6.51. Actually, a serial number is already given in the package which comes with, by X-Force (I assume, a very famous group, with very good crackers too). But we are crackers!! We should be getting OUR own serial numbers instead of depending on others!! So, let us continue.


I will assume that you have already set up your copy of Softice and know how to use it well, including knowing what the shortcut function keys are (F8, F10, F11 and F12). If not, I suggest you read some other essays on how to set up Softice first before continuing. I will also assume that you have a fair knowledge of assembly language.

Like my previous tutorials, we are going to depend on loops to find our VALID serial number. So, run sr.exe and you will be presented with a screen asking you to enter your serial number. Entering an invalid number and pressing Enter will clear the space and you are asked to enter again. So, Ctrl-D into Softice and start tracing to find that holy loop. I found mine in less than a minute and it looks like this.

FE2E:3768  E87D18              CALL    4FE8
FE2E:376B  53                  PUSH    BX
FE2E:376C  33DB                XOR     BX,BX
FE2E:376E  E8F711              CALL    4968
FE2E:3771  5B                  POP     BX
FE2E:3772  72EE                JB      3762
FE2E:3774  B401                MOV     AH,01
FE2E:3776  E8DF13              CALL    4B58
FE2E:3779  7502                JNZ     377D
FE2E:377B  EBEB                JMP     3768
FE2E:377D  32E4                XOR     AH,AH
FE2E:377F  E8D613              CALL    4B58
FE2E:3782  C3                  RET

Very familiar isn't it? So, place a 'bpx' on 377Dh, get back to program, enter a bogus serial. And you break again immediately. Here, notice that the program gave us a hint on how the serial looks like, which is in the form of 'SR123456-ABCD'. The first 2 characters must be SR, followed by 6 numbers, a dash (-) and 4 letters, all in upper case (but since it mentioned that casing isn't important, that means sr.exe uppercases our serial during the serial check).

So, after following a few returns and finally an 'iret' (interrupt return, indicating you're returning from an interrupt routine), you find yourself here.

1442:06E4  B407                MOV     AH,07 <== beginning of loop
1442:06E6  CD21                INT     21 <== Direct Character Input, Without Echo
1442:06E8  3C00                CMP     AL,00 <== AL contained entered character
1442:06EA  7506                JNZ     06F2 <== jump if character is entered (AL is not 0)
1442:06F0  EBF2                JMP     06E4
1442:06F2  80FE03              CMP     DH,03
1442:0704  3C0D                CMP     AL,0D <== is Enter key pressed?
1442:0706  7442                JZ      074A <== jump if yes
1442:071C  8807                MOV     [BX],AL <== store character
1442:071E  B402                MOV     AH,02
1442:0720  8AD0                MOV     DL,AL <== DL=Character to write
1442:0722  CD21                INT     21 <== Write Character to Standard Output
1442:0724  43                  INC     BX <== increase ptr
1442:0725  49                  DEC     CX <== decrease counter
1442:0726  EBBC                JMP     06E4 <== loop back

Hmm..pretty obvious isn't it? This code retrieves every character we entered and store, and when Enter key is pressed, go to line 074Ah. At that location (which isn't worth pasting its code here), our serial is copied to another location, then followed by a 'retf' (return far) instruction. Next, we land here.

7A16:5E3B  9AC0064214          CALL    1442:06C0 <== call retrieve_serial
7A16:5E40  80F90B              CMP     CL,0B <== you land here
7A16:5E43  7240                JB      5E85 <== compare if serial length<13 (which isn't)
                                                and jump if it isn't

7A16:5E85  2E8E1E1A69          MOV     DS,CS:[691A]
... compare if first 2 bytes are "8" or "5", then uppercase and replace old bytes ...
7A16:5ECF  BF6A00              MOV     DI,006A <== points to partly hardcoded serial!!!
                                                   (which is SR322449-XBIO)
7A16:5ED7  47                  INC     DI
7A16:5EDD  47                  INC     DI <== points to "322449", and SI, our serial
7A16:5EDE  B90600              MOV     CX,0006 <== no. of bytes to compare
7A16:5EE1  F3A6                REPZ CMPSB <== compare!!!
7A16:5EE3  750A                JNZ     5EEF <== jnz beggar_off
7A16:5EEA  AC                  LODSB <== load next byte (the dash)
7A16:5EEB  3C2D                CMP     AL,2D <== CMP AL,"-"
7A16:5EED  7403                JZ      5EF2 <== jmp if equal
7A16:5EEF  E95101              JMP     6043 <== jmp bad_cracker
7A16:5EF2  BE5465              MOV     SI,6554 <== points to 2nd letter of serial
... loop to calculate a constant from "SR322449" ...
7A16:5F23  46                  INC     SI <== now SI points to the last 4 letters
7A16:5F24  BB0869              MOV     BX,6908
7A16:5F27  B504                MOV     CH,04
7A16:5F29  B104                MOV     CL,04
7A16:5F2B  D3C0                ROL     AX,CL <== AX is constant from previous loop
7A16:5F2D  8BD0                MOV     DX,AX
7A16:5F2F  250F00              AND     AX,000F
7A16:5F32  D7                  XLAT <== converts AX!!!
7A16:5F33  8024DF              AND     BYTE PTR [SI],DF <== uppercases our letter
7A16:5F36  3A04                CMP     AL,[SI] <== compare!!!!!!
7A16:5F38  75B5                JNZ     5EEF <== JNZ beggar_off
7A16:5F3A  46                  INC     SI <== next byte
7A16:5F3B  8BC2                MOV     AX,DX
7A16:5F3D  FECD                DEC     CH
7A16:5F3F  80FD00              CMP     CH,00 <== anymore bytes?
7A16:5F42  75E7                JNZ     5F2B <== if yes, repeat
7A16:5F44  B8E1FD              MOV     AX,FDE1 <== go on!! registered!!

As you can see from my comments, this is a simple type of encryption to determine our correct serial. The end result we should get is SR322449-TAWE. Upon entering a correct serial, sr.exe will patch itself to indicate that this program is already registered.

> fc sr.exe sr.bak /b
Comparing files SR.EXE and SR.BAK
00000A08: 9F 9E
00000A09: 9E A5
00000A0B: A0 9F
00000A0C: A7 A2
00000A0F: A4 A3
00000A12: 1E 20
Final Notes

I remembered seeing an essay on Sourcer v7 in Fravia's site (advanced cracking section), by +Frog Print, using bpints to crack the program. The strange thing for me is that, no matter what bpints I used, it will NEVER break. That's why I depended a LOT on these loops. Anyway, I hope you can understand the method I used.


There's a lot of people that I know, so I'll just greet everyone, especially those in #tno, #win32asm, #cracking4newbies and #cracking at EFNet.

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